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This is our first song Inside
I get it everywhere, it never stops one of these days Im just gonna pop. On the way to school by the people who think they are cool. Everyday same thing when is it going to end. I just gotta keep my cool as I turn the bend. As I get closer it all goes away. Finnaly im on the inside.
Out of the way till the next day. Im on the inside. The inside. Lookin out from the inside. Till the next day.
Tommorrow when I go to school will everything change will kids respect me or still look at me strange. What if I put life to an end would they all laugh at me then. What if I languish will they all laugh will they just stare at my dead body and keep walking their current path.
But everything changes on the inside. The inside. Lookin from the inside out. Till the next day
What if I decide to take my own life what if decide not to have a child or a wife. What if I decide to tick my life away what if I decide its not worth it at all. But what if decide not to put myself in a hurse what if I decide against this evil curse. Should I keep going should I just ignore the horrible doing. Should I keep enduring the pain, should I just live with the hate and keep a straight face, or should I just change my pace and retaliate .
But I wont haft to worry till the next day. Because im on the inside. The inside. Should go another way or keep going till the next day. Because on the inside none of this has to change. On the inside. The inside. It will never have to change on the inside.

This a Judgement our second song

There she goes,Walks down the street,Just waiting to,To get beat,She goes through it everyday,Gets picked on excessivley,Just cause she is cripple,They won't let her be,Why such an excuse,That's not good at all,No one is perfect,We all got our downfalls.

But they see on the outside,don't look for what's within,what kinda judgements are these,there all physicalities.

Well on this one single day,She packs up the courage,The courage to stand up,And say what she thinks is right,But she was a fool,It lead to a great fight,And the weak girl,Fought with all of her might,And as she got trampled on,Felt the pain of the broken bones,She just wish they knew,They had not broken her spirit.But they don't.

Repeat Chours

Now she lay more than helpless,Not even able to move,She is so puzzled,What are they trying to prove,She has so many questions,Wants to ask everyone,Wants to ask them,When they get done,They have to quit some time,She's losing conscienceness,And she thinks her last thought,As her life ends with one more fist.

You act so surprised,It happens everyday,People kill people,All the time,Just cause they may look wrong,Or may put the wrong close on,Why can't we just all look within,It's so easy,But we don't.

Chours 2
But we see on the outside,Don't look for what's within,What kinda judgements are these,There all physicalities.

Repeat chours


This is our third song called You are Careless

Yeah,your walkin' the streets,and you see a kid walkin' to the wrong beat.He is not with the trend,so he becomes your enemy,not your friend.You don't even know him,that doesn't count to you,just the way he looks makes him look like a fool.What are you magical,can you tell by the way he walks or talks if he's cool or not.No you can not

But you think nothing of them.Don't care about them at all.Don't care of the pain you cause.Just don't care at all.To you they have no feelings any way.So why not just hurt them everyday.

Because the have feelings,and to insult they are immune.They are immune because of people like you.You make nothing better,you just make it worse.People like you drive kids to the hurse.But yet you don't care,you pick on the next kid,you just nag and nag,'till he ends up like the last kid,the last kid that ended up dead.

Repeat chours.

Did you ever think about if it was you,if you were the one wearing the shoes,the one getting picked on everyday,the one getting picked on in every way.I bet you haven't cause you would have stopped,killing people on the inside,but you have not.Your pleasure is their pain.And when they cry confidence you gain,but that was the way you've been raised and I doubt you'll ever change.

Repeat chours 2x

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Whats coming
The songs were written by me Rob and also by Chris. I will be adding a another song called Gone soon. Once i finish one other song im working on called What Happens I will add that to.

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