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The band
I am Rob N., I am 13 years old and live in Goshen Ohio, like the rest of the band.My hobbies are mainly skateboarding and listening to music.
Seth B. plays bass, some things he likes to do is play football. He is mostly into Punk Rock.
Josh H. plays drums, he likes to skateboard mostly. The type of music he mainly likes is Punk and Alternitive Rock.
Mark H. plays lead gutair, ( chris plays some back up) hes mostly into skateboarding. His favorite type of music is Alternitive Rock (I think).

The short history on Mad Cow Disease
Our band just kind of popped up.One day we all just decided to make a band.Since Seth was learning bass, Mark was descent on guitar, Josh had drums, and I decided I could sing we decided we had enough to come together and form a band.We told this to Chris and just kinda squeezed himself in and started supporting us and giving us ideas for songs. That is pretty much how MCD got started.

Email Me!
you can e-mail me at

Links to Other Sites
A site Chris made just to be stupid